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beau's Recent Comments

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beau 2 Posts (1 )
11 month(s) 7 day(s) ago

No one is ever going to pay your premium site fee. Take off google adsense its killing your site. 
everyone who supported you over the years laughs at the fact that youd even throw that option out there. 
theres a reason your seo is faltering too because none of us want to be bombarded with fking ads when we just want to see a mock draft. 
It made my heart warm knowing you lost $$ last year becsuse of your website code. It wasnt your code it was you pushing google adsense down our throat and you literally make pennies for each click on those. Grow up walter and get rid of the ads or your website will slip into irrelevancy like it already has this pasy decade

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beau 2 Posts (1 )
11 month(s) 7 day(s) ago

Babahahahaha your site keeps shutting down from all the fking ads. 
RIP walter football mock drafts. This dude only cares about $$ snd selling premium versions and his “book” 


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beau 2 Posts (1 )
11 month(s) 7 day(s) ago

No one is ever going to pay your premium site fee. Take off google adsense its killing your site. 
everyone who supported you over the years laughs at the fact that youd even throw that option out there. 
theres a reason your seo is faltering too because none of us want to be bombarded with fking ads when we just want to see a mock draft. 
It made my heart warm knowing you lost $$ last year becsuse of your website code. It wasnt your code it was you pushing google adsense down our throat and you literally make pennies for each click on those. Grow up walter and get rid of the ads or your website will slip into irrelevancy like it already has this pasy decade

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