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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
2 month(s) 23 day(s) ago
When it comes to minnesota you're either lying to squeeze a square into your circle narrative by saying minnesota didn't have convincing wins over the Titans (they beat them by 10) and the Bears (beat them by 18) and the Falcons (beat them by 21) or you're penalizing them for not blowing out every team they play. Either way you're showing your obvious hating. I still can't get over you thinking Green Bay had nothing to play for so they didn't even try. Hahaha too funny. That loss means now they might have to go to Philly in the wildcard. A win against Minnesota would have meant they had a good chance at going to Tampa Bay. You don't think they cared at all about that? Start watching golf or something because you clearly don't understand football. 
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
2 month(s) 23 day(s) ago - hide
When it comes to minnesota you're either lying to squeeze a square into your circle narrative by saying minnesota didn't have convincing wins over the Titans (they beat them by 10) and the Bears (beat them by 18) and the Falcons (beat them by 21) or you're penalizing them for not blowing out every team they play. Either way you're showing your obvious hating. I still can't get over you thinking Green Bay had nothing to play for so they didn't even try. Hahaha too funny. That loss means now they might have to go to Philly in the wildcard. A win against Minnesota would have meant they had a good chance at going to Tampa Bay. You don't think they cared at all about that? Start watching golf or something because you clearly don't understand football. 
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carettirichard 15 Posts (3 )
2 month(s) 15 day(s) ago
@biskit52250 im a fan of this site but i must say, Walt has had a weird obsession with the Packers all year long. They’re unimpressive. They’ve been in several dog fights with bad teams and have no real quality wins. As a Lions fan, it has been apparent to me that you guys are the superior team. Even after Sunday night I still respect you guys more than the Lackers. It seems inconsistent to me that Walt knocks some teams for ugly wins and bad records vs good teams while excusing other teams for doing exactly that.
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
2 month(s) 24 day(s) ago
Hahaha I love coming here to see what a joke it is. "I'm not moving them down because they didn't seem to be trying hard when they lost in Meaningless game" but the issue is it was actually a meaningful game. Green Bay could have moved up to the 5 seed with another win next week. Just stop it man lol
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
3 month(s) 7 day(s) ago
Teams like Green Bay and San Francisco you will make excuses for why they lost, bring up injuries and say things like "if this team didn't do this fluky thing GB or SF would have won" but teams like Minnesota and Denver you never talk about their injuries, make excuses for the teams they just beat and say things like "they only won because they did this fluky thing" or the team they played against only lost because the refs did this or " they might have won by 20 points but they played against a bad team that made mistakes". You remind me of a 12 year old making a power rankings for a class project. Hahaha
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
3 month(s) 10 day(s) ago

It's obvious which teams you like and which ones you don't because the teams you like you always bring up their injuries and make excuses for their losses and narrow victories and the teams you don't like you hold their narrow losses against them and never bring up their injuries. I totally get a power rankings should not just be the same as the standings but wins and losses matter a lot more than you give them credit for. I'll give you credit though because you get me to click on your power rankings every single time to see what the biggest joke of a power rankings said this week. 

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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
6 month(s) 1 day(s) ago
@SadisticNobility he hates the vikings and will always have an excuse ready for them getting a win. Just the opposite for the 49ers because he will always have an excuse for their losses
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
6 month(s) 1 day(s) ago
It's just a guess but I'm guessing this guy is a 49ers or a Bengals fan because it never seems to matter if they lose or not because he'll always blame the loss on them being "sleepy" or "not prepared" and he always brings up their injuries and I'm pretty sure he hates the Vikings because every time they have win he will say it's because the other team wasn't good or wasn't ready to play a football game and he never ever brings up injuries to their roster. He doesn't give them any excuses ever. If this guy is 12 years old then I apologize. You keep up those power rankings little guy. Just make sure you have them done before bedtime and eat your vegetables. 
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biskit52250 6 Posts (1 )
6 month(s) 9 day(s) ago
This guys power rankings have always been comical. If a team he's high on loses he'll always say something like "if you take away this play and that play and they didn't have injuries and the ref wouldn't have screwed them they would have won so I'm just going to ignore the loss" but if a team wins he doesn't like he'll always say something like "they only won because the other team wasn't ready for a football game and the other team had injures and the refs helped them out so I'm going to ignore this win" and he NEVER talks about injures on the team he doesn't like. Mountains of excuses for the teams he's high on and zero excuses for the teams he doesn't like. Always good for a laugh. 
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