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lewseyrich's Recent Comments

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago

YOU should have ignored Baltimore's "Glaring flaws" when they steamrolled Pittsburg... Who are these people with "inexplicable mania"?... Do Circadian Rhythms affect a WHOLE team and not just an individual?... Does wearing firefighters shirts or having a better ""resume" give you an advantage?

You should get away from these unproven intangibles... your success would improve greatly I am convinced... Logic, Reasonableness are king in any judgement call (Gut feeling can be useful too, sometimes)

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

Been following for many years but other handicappers are providing better analysis... Once great site, slowly losing credence... shame

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago - hide

YOU should have ignored Baltimore's "Glaring flaws" when they steamrolled Pittsburg... Who are these people with "inexplicable mania"?... Do Circadian Rhythms affect a WHOLE team and not just an individual?... Does wearing firefighters shirts or having a better ""resume" give you an advantage?

You should get away from these unproven intangibles... your success would improve greatly I am convinced... Logic, Reasonableness are king in any judgement call (Gut feeling can be useful too, sometimes)

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

Been following for many years but other handicappers are providing better analysis... Once great site, slowly losing credence... shame

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Mr. Bitter 482 Posts (413 )
2 month(s) 4 day(s) ago


Thanks. The Rams and Ravens have been good to me recently. (Although this is my stop on the Rams.)

Full disclosure: You'll almost never see me delve into prop bets, O/Us, teasers and such, and that's by design.

The job I've worked at for close to a decade now has been doing a weekly NFL SU picks pool since I've been there. I basically won the pool every week for the first few years of my employment, and this was noticed by the owner - a wealthy, old-school ponies guy that was only a casual football fan but always has an eye open for action. He pulled me aside and proposed a money man/idea man arrangement where all I had to do was give him my weekly NFL picks ATS weighted by confidence, let him do his thing, and get my cut. No teasing, no props action, just straight down the list ATS. Anything else has to be on my dime. He's okay with eating some loss as long as it's a profitable venture overall. However, he keeps track of my team-by-team record and alerts me when a pattern suggests I'm not reading a team correctly. Forces me to constantly reevaluate teams, and has taught me that formulas like Walt's Group A/Group B stuff are nearly useless, as it's almost never about where a team is from - it's where a team is at. Especially this time of year.

I don't think Jerks of the Week, the TV Commentators shtick, etc, will be going anywhere any time soon. Hate to play amateur psychologist, but Walt is obviously a guy who is very resistant to change. Not a big deal because we're all like that to some degree, but his stubbornness sometimes gets him in trouble when handicapping. His current "Ravens are overrated" ride is a perfect example. He still talks about BAL as if they're the same team from a few months ago that was enduring the rookie growing pains of Roger Rosengarten and Nate Wiggins (now emerging stars), Justin Tucker's yips, and still starting Eddie Jackson and Marcus Williams at safety. Instead of reevaluating and adjusting accordingly, he'll just go down with the ship.

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago - hide

YOU should have ignored Baltimore's "Glaring flaws" when they steamrolled Pittsburg... Who are these people with "inexplicable mania"?... Do Circadian Rhythms affect a WHOLE team and not just an individual?... Does wearing firefighters shirts or having a better ""resume" give you an advantage?

You should get away from these unproven intangibles... your success would improve greatly I am convinced... Logic, Reasonableness are king in any judgement call (Gut feeling can be useful too, sometimes)

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

Been following for many years but other handicappers are providing better analysis... Once great site, slowly losing credence... shame

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Karensman 28 Posts (11 )
2 month(s) 4 day(s) ago
@Mr. Bitter : Glad to hear you've been doing well, keep it up. Making money on the NFL is tough. I couldn't pull the trigger this week although I would have hit the under on the Hou-Kc game. I'm with you as far as Walter, I enjoy reading his matchup writeups and analysis although I don't always agree with his opinion. If I don't have a bet on a game, I will usually root for Walter's team. I have some advice that I think would really help Walter : Spend more time and money handicapping the over/under. I broke into the Race & Sports wagering business in 1982 working at a small casino in North Las Vegas . Down the street was the Delmar Race & Sportsbook which was run by Bill Dark who was the acknowledged Bookmaker that started posting lines on Over/Unders for most sports. I'd like to make one point about over/unders : why are the limits so much lower on Total bets ? Although a lot has changed on sports wagering over the years , the gap on limits between totals wagers and wagers on the sides remains high. Both wagers usually employ the -110 line so the juice for the house remains the same. I firmly believe that Walter's win percentage would improve and he might even be able to go back to posting his picks for free rather than have us subsidize his losses. And like many of his readers, I don't read or pay any attention to his comments on Monday Night Football announcers or Jerks of the Week, I would rather focus on the games. I actually find that the opinions of you and Baird among others are better than Walter's. Good luck to all      
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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago - hide

@Mr Bitter

I realise Walt puts in endless hours on handicapping which is appreciated... my comment, if you read it in full, was concerning the time putting together the poor parody on the CBS Commentators rather than what this site is designed for... NFL INSIGHT

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

The site still has a value for me as a follower of NFL since 1981

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COVID69 5 Posts (3 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago

@Mr. Bitter Walt does a lot of stuff to just make himself laugh. its the only explanation because it is nowhere close to being funny to anyone else. 

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago

@Mr Bitter

I realise Walt puts in endless hours on handicapping which is appreciated... my comment, if you read it in full, was concerning the time putting together the poor parody on the CBS Commentators rather than what this site is designed for... NFL INSIGHT

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

The site still has a value for me as a follower of NFL since 1981

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago - hide

@Mr Bitter

I realise Walt puts in endless hours on handicapping which is appreciated... my comment, if you read it in full, was concerning the time putting together the poor parody on the CBS Commentators rather than what this site is designed for... NFL INSIGHT

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

The site still has a value for me as a follower of NFL since 1981

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Mr. Bitter 482 Posts (413 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago


Oops. Misread and feeling defensive. Apologies.

Yeah, agree about the commentators stuff. At this point it's just done out of tradition and goes unread. It's this site's equivalent of a holiday fruitcake.

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lewseyrich 1 Posts (2 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago - hide

YOU should have ignored Baltimore's "Glaring flaws" when they steamrolled Pittsburg... Who are these people with "inexplicable mania"?... Do Circadian Rhythms affect a WHOLE team and not just an individual?... Does wearing firefighters shirts or having a better ""resume" give you an advantage?

You should get away from these unproven intangibles... your success would improve greatly I am convinced... Logic, Reasonableness are king in any judgement call (Gut feeling can be useful too, sometimes)

As for the Commentators dross,every week!!..Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping... never read once all the years I've followed the site

Been following for many years but other handicappers are providing better analysis... Once great site, slowly losing credence... shame

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Mr. Bitter 482 Posts (413 )
2 month(s) 8 day(s) ago


Eh, it's still a great site. 90% of other sites have a team of prognosticators; Walt has been flying solo on handicapping for two decades. It's impressive if only for the endurance.

Walt's picks are usually solid and he's often out ahead of a lot of angles many other prognosticators miss. He's just lost in the labyrinth of Group A/Group B minutiae right now and has a stubborn blind spot with the Ravens. (These spells are bound to happen when a guy is basically in the midst of a cruel, two decade long, one-man sociology experiment.) His CFB picks have been money in the bank this season, and Charlie Campbell's annual NFL Draft content/predictions are eerily accurate.

Being active in comment sections (beyond just jumping in one time to get your kicks in after a bad bet) is part of supporting a site, and I would like to think I fold a few substantial angles into my weekly dross, as do other core commentors. Hell, we've been trying to get through to Walt about the terrible blunder he's making with Baltimore with stats and angles for weeks...and we do it before the games start.

"...Pleeeeease spend more time on handicapping..."

(Mentally read that part with a kinda gay lisp...Sorry, couldn't help it.)

Thanks, but I don't think I could possibly spend any more time handicapping. Getting okay at it, too. Went summer vacation money-heavy on BAL and LAR last week. Feels good.

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