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stuvian 3 Posts (0)
1 day(s) 14 hour(s) ago
Todd Bowles has given a clinic on how to beat the Lions. All of Dan Campbell's wild play calling can't mask the fact that Jerod Goff is a dink and dunk game manager with an average arm. 
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stuvian 3 Posts (0)
1 day(s) 15 hour(s) ago
You can't omit the Jets from any over rated list. How many talking heads have them going to the Superbowl? This after missing the playoffs for thirteen years! How about we win a wildcard game first?
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stuvian 3 Posts (0)
1 day(s) 19 hour(s) ago
it doesn't seem like all the flex players are loaded into the fantasy content. There's no players in three figures of salary
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stuvian 3 Posts (0)
1 day(s) 19 hour(s) ago - hide
it doesn't seem like all the flex players are loaded into the fantasy content. There's no players in three figures of salary
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WFDevTeam 52 Posts (13 )
1 day(s) 19 hour(s) ago


I'll have to look into this further when I get the chance.  I'll follow up tomorrow with my status

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stuvian 3 Posts (0)
10 month(s) 15 day(s) ago
suddenly Walt is evangelical about the Saints
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