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PriestHolmes2HoF's Publishings
Official Entry in the contest
My official entry into the WF Mock Draft Contest. I've also posted this on Battle Red Blog. There are trades, and there are reaches. Thanks to Walterfootball.com, Drafttek.com, and SB Nation for providing me with data and analysis from which I formed these picks.
2 rating(s)
Bayesian Mock Draft
A mock draft built borrowing from Advanced NFL Analytics' Bayesian Draft Tool, this is my attempt to match the players to their positions in the draft, then matching the teams to them afterwards. The result is probably a record for most trades in the first round.
3 rating(s)
Version 3.0
Post-Combine mock with new picks, new trades (6 total, including a top 5 move and 2 double-digit jumps), and new write-ups. Put me on the front page, Walter!
10 rating(s)
Version 2.0
New mock as the rumors around the Combine and Free Agency start to trickle in. A trade in the Top 5, too!<p> 2.1 update: kicked Cyrus Kuandijo out of the first round; also fixed an oversight where the same player was drafted twice.
12 rating(s)
Version 1.0
An attempt to not only indicate prospects each team is considering, but also to predict some of the draft-day chess game.
2 rating(s)