Open Rants by Bawambi

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The +200 Club: College Basketball Notes
Published at 8/14/2021
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I did mention that I would try to do the same thing for College Basketball that I am doing for College Football so here are some of my thoughts before I start picking games.  This may be a fade bet section as I usually am not as good at basketball as I am in football so we will see if new strategy pays off in a sport I am not great at...

First it looks at first glance that I will not be able to get as wide a line choice at least at the beginning of the season.  Some games have only a couple of alternative lines while bigger conference games while not as many choices as football may have enough lines to get the +200 games.  That line appears to be a 4-5 point addition to the line at least during the non-conference early season.

The teams I will look for are as follows:  Younger teams with returning rising talent, Teams that lost talent to the NBA, Senior Led Teams, Dumpster Fires.

Once again I think it will be harder to find game lines that are 4-5 points off in the NBA but that may be incorrect.  Time will tell.

Result:  There were very few lines that were off enough to get to 200 which actually turned out to be more like 6-7 points in reality so I did not use this method during season.

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