Open Rants by Bawambi

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200 Club Early Season V MidSeason
Published at 8/14/2021
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It is much easier to make a profit early season using any system as the value is generally more common BEFORE the books get a better feel for all the teams involved.   General example: Alabama -18.5 may be too light but if this were late season the spread might be -24.5.  Other teams like the U seem in recent years to be Michigan, USC and Florida to name a few.  For soccer with my system the only difference is you need to see road away splits.  You are looking for a home team that has a higher percentage of ties.  This is the night time bet in the Mexican league today as if you look at the surface it appears that Pumas is the worst team in the league but the Mexican league plays two half leagues and Pumas was better in the first half of their season.  Based on this logic I looked at 4 MLS games tonight and ruled one out for two reasons.  Red Bull is my team (sadly) and it is dangerous to bet your own team as it is usually heart not head based betting.  Secondly they are a poor road team and Montreal doesn't have a large home tie record.  If they weren't my team I might have paired them to lose with the Pumas game (+659 Draft Kings). Not a bad payout for two teams but a layoff for me because of heart v head.

The other three games I would play are:

Toronto FC Tie +270 (Draft Kings)

Sporting KC Tie +250

Colorado Tie +230

Good Luck

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